EP Township Recreational Facilities Are Ready for Rental!
The Weimann Building and Sports Complex, plus Edgewater Park’s other active recreational parks –
Memorial and Kite – are now prepared for rental to individuals,
groups and organizations.
The Public Works Department has
prepared the sports fields and Weimann Building, with a capacity
for 160 people, has its kitchen ready to use for functions. Rentals
will use the same authorizing application as used under the revised
Public Function Permit for 2021.

Woodlake, Dinoia, and Roosevelt Parks are just passive parks with
no playing fields, so they are not part of the rental program.
According to the Township’s Public Function Permit Application and License Ordinance No. 2021-7, “A person, partnership, voluntary association, corporation, or
other organization seeking to obtain a parade, public function, or similar activity permit shall file an
application with the Township Clerk, not less than 10 days before a Township Committee Meeting
prior to the event of which the parade, public function, or similar activity is proposed. The Township
Administrator is authorized to establish rules, regulations, and procedures for the processing of
parade, public function, or similar activity permit applications.
Necessary information needed to apply, such as names of responsible adults to be present during the
activity, proof of general liability insurance, and rules/regulations, is outlined in the application, which
people can download from the Township website."
Public Function Permit Application
Current Sports Rates
Get your team reservations ready for the upcoming sports seasons and contact/turn in applications
Township Clerk, Brandon Garcia, at bgarcia@edgewaterpark-nj.com or call 609-877-2050 x 313 for
further information.